These pickup lines would surely work on a nerd like me. If not, at least they would make me smile 🙂
1. Did you cut my phrenic nerve? Cause I can’t breathe when I’m around you.
2. Baby, you are so sweet that even my GLUT 2 transporters are at Vmax.
3. Nice antibody. Wanna conjugate?
4. You must be stage 3 syphilis, cause I can’t get you out of my head.
5. If I were an enzyme, I’d be DNA Helicase so that I can unzip your genes.
6. Are you free tonight? I really need an anatomy partner. And if things go well, we can study physiology. And if they go really well, we can study embryology.
7. Hey baby, why don’t you get your ligase working on my okazaki fragment and lengthen my strand.
8. My zygomaticus muscle contracts everytime I see you.
9. If I was an endoplasmic reticulum, how would you want me: smooth or rough?
10. Do you have 11 protons? ‘Cause you’re So…dium fine!
And two bonus ones, they were a little rated R, so I put them here:
11. Hey baby, why don’t you get your ligase working on my okazaki fragment and lengthen my strand?
12. My love for you is like diarrhea. I can’t hold it in!
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